ACE/Background Checks/Safe Sport
USA Softball Code requires one coach/manager to be ACE certified and ALL adults on-field/in dugout assistants have a background check for Championship Play. ACE certification and background checks can be completed through
The ACE (Achieve, Certify, Educate) Coaching Certification Program is a coaching certification program, developed and designed to provide softball coaches of all levels – from beginning coaches to experienced veterans – an opportunity to certify as a coach with a national softball organization.
As the National Governing Body of Softball in the United States, it is the USA Softball’s responsibility to ensure that our coaches achieve a certain level of understanding of what their duties are as coach of a youth softball team. After obtaining your ACE certification, you will be well prepared to coach a youth softball team.
All ACE coaches must first take the U.S. Center for SafeSport's SafeSport courses prior to starting ACE. The SafeSport training is composed of 3 individual lessons; all lessons must be completed in full before you are considered SafeSport trained. If you would like to know more about the U.S. Center for SafeSport's SafeSport initiative, please click here.
Under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, all Non-Player participants 18 years and older must complete both a background check and SafeSport before participating in any USA Softball youth (JO) play, while Players 18 and older must complete SafeSport.
Individual Registrations cannot be approved until the requirements are met.
For all members 17 years and under with parental consent, we strongly encourage participation in SafeSport training to empower our members by increasing awareness of the signs of abuse. Thank you all for your continued support!